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Self Running Generator

Started by Romero, September 24, 2013, 02:28:37 PM

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Hi Romero,
Is this for real? Do you know this guy personally?
Have you talked with him and what is your opinion about the layout of his solution?
The YT clip apparently show a system of motor to generator via a heavy flywheel. Either motor or generator should have been modified by the inventor, to be viable and sustainable, otherwise the heavy loading will kill the system, I think.
I would like to learn more about this interesting product.


Quote from: aaron5120 on September 28, 2013, 04:37:10 AM
Hi Romero,
Is this for real? Do you know this guy personally?
Have you talked with him and what is your opinion about the layout of his solution?
The YT clip apparently show a system of motor to generator via a heavy flywheel. Either motor or generator should have been modified by the inventor, to be viable and sustainable, otherwise the heavy loading will kill the system, I think.
I would like to learn more about this interesting product.
Hi aaron5120,
I don't know this guy personally but I know this is real.
I have done similar experiments with similar results but at a lower scale.
I am almost finished all painting and decorating home then I will go back to my FE projects.
I will post my variant to this system and then you can decide if its real or not.

Best regards,


Hi Romero,
If this concept is viable, then it can be scaled up very easily.
It is known that the power required to maintain a spinning flywheel is much less than turning it from a halted position.
Then the flywheel serves to decouple the generator from the prime mover which is the motor.
My question is whether a constant load connected to the generator will slow down the angular velocity of the flywheel in time thus becoming rendering the system to becoming under-unity?
How long did your experimental setup last before stalling up by the load? Or did you managed to loop the gen set to the prime mover?
Thanks for your comments and inspiration regarding this kind of devices.



Quote from: aaron5120 on October 06, 2013, 02:02:38 PM
Hi Romero,
If this concept is viable, then it can be scaled up very easily.
It is known that the power required to maintain a spinning flywheel is much less than turning it from a halted position.
Then the flywheel serves to decouple the generator from the prime mover which is the motor.
My question is whether a constant load connected to the generator will slow down the angular velocity of the flywheel in time thus becoming rendering the system to becoming under-unity?
How long did your experimental setup last before stalling up by the load? Or did you managed to loop the gen set to the prime mover?
Thanks for your comments and inspiration regarding this kind of devices.

in my version I am using a pulsing prime mover and a car brake disc acting as a flywheel and for the generator I am using a modified car alternator with magnets for the rotor . As you know talking about looping its impossible




I am going to try that today


Few tests to confirm Luc discovery


This is schematic I have used in the video


Hey Romero
Did you try it solid state, if so could you give a schematic


Quote from: Dave45 on November 17, 2013, 06:36:59 PM
Hey Romero
Did you try it solid state, if so could you give a schematic
I did a quick test in solid state just for the input side. Schematic is the same just replaced the motor with another 240/24v and attached two 12 volt bulbs on the 24volt side.
With the right combination of capacitors I managed to reduce the power consumed by the system. With the wrong capacitor the power used increases even 10 times than normal. This needs more attention and many and different values capacitors. I don't have that many run capacitors but I will try to get some more


back in 2012 I posted a schematic based on similar concept, have a look below


Quote from: Romero on November 11, 2013, 10:09:36 AM
New video from ValiEnergyStar

Salut Romi,
?n legătură cu generatorul lui Vali am văzut pe canalul youtube al dumnealui foarte multe comentarii negative, "etichete" puse din repezeală, cu care nu sunt de acord. Eu consider că aşa ceva este posibil ?n cazul ?n care calculele sunt făcute corect, rapoartele de transmisie, greutate volant, ş.a.m.d. M-am g?ndit să caut mai multe despre volant şi am găsit ceva foarte interesant
Umanitatea a fost şi este plină de inteligenţă, inteligenţă pură, păcat că mai sunt şi retractori care nu stau să g?ndească mai mult şi pun foarte repede "ştampila" :)
Un exemplu foarte bun aici
Dacă aici volantul pare să fie destul de eficient, nu văd de ce nu ar fi şi la generatorul lui Vali.
"Cars now have flywheels not just used to transfer power from the engine to the transmission, but as kinetic energy recovery systems. Formula One changed its rules in 2009 to allow kinetic energy recovery systems in racing cars.6 These systems could either be electric or mechanically based. Some teams chose to develop flywheel based recovery systems. One such system that is becoming popular in racing cars is the Williams Hybrid Power flywheel system, shown in figure 3.7 This system converts braking energy into electrical energy which is used to spin a carbon fiber flywheel. This flywheel can get up to speeds of 60,000 rpm, which on its outer rim is approximately twice the speed of sound. For this reason the flywheel is stored in a vacuum sealed chamber and suspended with magnetic bearings. This prevents any significant air resistance and the flywheel is thus very efficient. The system weighs approximately 300 pounds, which is fairly heavy for most cars, but the system can also be fitted to buses or subways, for which the weight gain would be much less significant."



este greu de spus daca acest generator functioneaza sau nu, trebuie mers acolo si vazut la fata locului.
Eu am vazut ceva asemanator aici in UK si chiar functiona, am verificat personal dar omul avea modificari la partea de generator, ce anume nu am idee.
In varianta lui Vali motorul folosit trebuie sa fie cu mult mai puternic fata de ce are el acum, chiar daca foloseste reactive power tot trebuie ca motorul sa fie capabil sa intretina o asemenea forta.
In legatura cu volanta ai dreptate, poate fi folosita pentru a stoca energie dar nu doar atat. Am un proiect in desfasurare in care volanta este cheia si crede-ma ca sunt uimit de diferentele dintre system cu sau fara volanta.
O sa prezint un film in momentul in care sunt lamurit total cu se se intampla...

O zi buna,